Become a member
An Exceptional Global Maritime Economy
Maritime UK Solent is an award-winning, internationally recognised regional cluster organisation working for industry to promote a thriving maritime sector within the central south coast of England.
It was conceived in 2019, with a focus on promoting and evidencing the excellence of the sector locally, nationally and internationally to bring greater awareness and appreciation of the strategic importance of the maritime sector in this area to the UK, and the potential it has to drive high productivity-led growth, jobs, exports, and pioneer new technologies.
One way we have been able to do this is through our membership of Maritime UK – the UK’s umbrella industry organisation for the maritime sector, set up at the request of Government. This provides MUK Solent with an opportunity to influence maritime policy, showcase excellence, and highlight challenges to policy makers and the wider industry across the UK. We have also commissioned independent research to evidence the economic impact of the sector, hosted numerous trade and Government delegations, signed international collaboration agreements and promoted the sector at international maritime events in North America and Europe.
We have also connected the sector – making sure that the business base is as connected as it possibly can be and that opportunities to collaborate and trade are not missed. We have convened hundreds of network meetings and events to bring the sector together – including online through the pandemic – and we are confident that the network (which is now well over 1,000 in number) is better connected than any other regional sector in the UK.
We have seen a tangible impact of this, with the maritime sector in this area securing proportionately more funding from recent Government maritime innovation funding than any other part of the UK.
There is now a confidence and greater appreciation of the role of the maritime sector locally and the opportunities that exist for our young people to follow fulfilling maritime careers.

Why Join Us?
Maritime UK Solent is an inclusive membership organisation open to all maritime and supply chain businesses, Higher and Further Education institutions, research organisations, public sector organisations, trade associations, charitable organisations and schools.
Members can be based anywhere in the UK or overseas, provided they have a commitment to the maritime sector, particularly here in the Solent – anchored on the maritime cities of Southampton and Portsmouth and spanning the area from Poole in the west to Chichester in the east.
Maritime UK Solent is the only regional maritime sector organisation covering the central south coast of England. We have a network of well over 1,000 and have been convening and promoting the sector since 2019, building deep relationships and creating new opportunities for the sector.
- We offer an unrivalled opportunity to support the continued evolution of the sector that forms such an important part of the history, culture and social fabric of the area and support your reporting on ESG.
- We are a member of Maritime UK – the industry-led umbrella organisation for the maritime sector, established at the request of Government and therefore have an unrivalled opportunity to champion the local sector, and highlight opportunities and challenges to policy makers and wider industry.
- We are one of a small number of regional maritime cluster organisations recognised by and who work with Government to lead, champion and grow the sector.
- We have convened maritime businesses locally to facilitate them securing £33m of the £80m in the Zero Emission Vessel and Infrastructure Fund; and £8.3m of the £33m in Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition 4 available nationally.
- We have provided local maritime businesses with a platform to pitch for investment and major international maritime events including London International Shipping Week.
- We have signed international collaborations with maritime regions across Europe and North America, which have opened new trading relationships for Solent-based maritime businesses.
- We have championed the sector at international events across Europe and North America.
- We host bi-monthly networking meetings providing an opportunity to convene the sector.
- We have brought together round tables to discuss pressing issues such as decarbonisation and skills, and held major maritime careers events to encourage young people to explore opportunities in maritime.
- And, of course, we host the annual Maritime UK Solent Awards, which provides an unpresented opportunity to bring the sector together, showcase excellence, and celebrate this wonderful sector.
Our Vision is for the Solent to be a world leading maritime cluster, with a highly productive business base, pow““`ered by a vibrant innovation ecosystem, the skills the sector needs, and that is at the forefront of a lower carbon economy.
If you are an organisation involved in the Solent maritime sector you will derive enormous value from becoming a member – and, as an inclusive organisation, we have membership opportunities for all. We have set out the types of membership below, along with the cost and examples of the benefits that each membership type will provide to your organisation.
Maritime UK Solent has been established by the sector for the sector, and in order to be as successful as possible, we expect all members to:
- Be involved in or willing to collaborate, share knowledge, and participate in joint initiatives with Maritime UK Solent.
- Actively contribute to Maritime UK Solent’s activities, whether through funding, expertise or participation in working groups.
We strongly believe that the more you put in the more your organisation will get out, and that the sector, collectively, will benefit.
This is for an organisation of any type or size that wants to directly participate in shaping our work programme and recognises the important role they have in supporting the Solent’s maritime sector to deliver value to not only your own organisation, but the sector more widely. You will be forward thinking, keen to collaborate and will recognise the environmental, social and civic role your organisation can play in supporting the Solent’s maritime sector and the role it plays in communities.
You will have priority access to events, play a central role in championing the sector and influencing its direction. You will have unrivalled opportunities to connect with the local sector and secure an additional platform for your successes, challenges, and opportunities to be heard. Our events will be open to your staff to support their professional and personal development, and to build their networks.
You will have dedicated account management and will secure exposure through our website, collateral, and events – providing a visible commitment of your organisation to the sector and the area, whilst increasing your brand recognition.
We are confident that the connections you make, the young people you influence and the platform membership of MUK Solent provides you will provide an exceptional return on the investment.
Whilst our expectation is that all large businesses that want to join Maritime UK Solent will join at this level of membership it is not exclusive to large businesses and membership at this level is open to all.
- A dedicated account manager who will build a trusting relationship with you to ensure they understand your organisation, your priorities, and your challenges.
- Increased exposure, with your logo on our website and collateral.
- We will work with you to identify events and opportunities for continual progressional development for your staff.
- We can support your reporting on ESG.
- Free tickets to events as well as exclusive early access to additional tickets.
- Priority opportunity to support delegations to the area and from the area.
- Priority opportunity to join working groups.
- Priority access to industry roundtables and dinners.
- Priority access to selective national maritime events including Parliamentary receptions.
- Priority membership of industry stakeholder panel for industry insights to help shape and contribute to research and projects.
- Use of MUK Solent Strategic Partner logo on your collateral.
- Priority access to new funding seminars and workshops.
- Priority access to sponsorship opportunities.
- Involvement on maritime careers events
- Access to Industry Insights and Research:
- Exclusive access to MUK Solent commissioned reports and research relevant to the sector (including the Solent Maritime economic impact study)
- Webinars / workshops featuring industry experts
- Advocacy and Representation:
- MUK Solent will represent members’ interests at local, regional, or national levels.
- MUK Solent will advocate for policies that benefit the sector
- Facilitation of introductions to potential clients, partners, or investors
This is for an organisation of any type or size that wants to help shape our work programme and recognises the important role they have in supporting the Solent’s maritime sector.
You will have access to events, play a role in championing the sector and influencing its direction. You will have opportunities to connect with the local sector and secure an additional platform for your successes, challenges, and opportunities to be heard. Our events will be open to your staff to support their professional and personal development, and to build their networks.
You will secure exposure through our website, collateral, and events – providing a visible commitment of your organisation to the sector and the area, whilst increasing your brand recognition.
We are confident that the connections you make, the young people you influence and the platform membership of MUK Solent provides you will provide an exceptional return on the investment.
- Account management support.
- Increased exposure, with your logo on our website
- Opportunities for continual professional development for your staff.
- Support your reporting on ESG.
- Free tickets to events as well as exclusive early access to additional tickets.
- Opportunity to support delegations to the area and from the area.
- Opportunity to join working groups.
- Access to industry roundtables and dinners.
- Membership of industry stakeholder panel for industry insights to help shape and contribute to research and projects.
- Use of MUK Solent Partner logo on your collateral.
- Access to new funding seminars and workshops.
- Involvement on maritime careers events
This provides the same package of benefits as the “Partner” membership, and is open to start-up, micro and small companies for one year only, recognising that cashflow can be a challenge for some businesses, and yet the benefits of membership of an organisation such as Maritime UK Solent are essential as businesses seek to grow.
We recognise that the real strength of organisations such as ours is their membership and reach. We also recognise that not all may be ready or able to pay an annual membership fee.
We have therefore created the Associate membership option.
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Priority access to purchase tickets to MUK Solent events
All prices are for annual membership.

Join Us
Together, members will help shape and support the region’s exceptional maritime ecosystem; while also raising their profiles locally and globally, with opportunities for networking and influencing maritime policy
Email: info@muksolent.com for further information.