Become a sponsor
2022: A Sparkling Success!
The MUK Solent Awards were established in 2022 to celebrate the success, and raise the profile of the Solent’s maritime sector.
Around 100 entries for 12 categories were submitted; a national panel of maritime experts was assembled, and the Awards evening attracted 250 guests.
The Awards received excellent, positive media coverage and social media engagement; with nearly 30 items of coverage in local broadcast, print/online media and national trade press: And over 57k impressions on Twitter, over 2.5k accounts reached on Instagram, and over 15k unique views on LinkedIn.
Email us now to arrange a time to discuss interest in becoming a future sponsor of the Maritime UK Solent Awards MUKsolent@solentlep.org.uk

Why Sponsor the Maritime UK Solent Awards?
Becoming a sponsor of Maritime UK Solent Awards is a fantastic promotional opportunity for businesses and organisations to demonstrate their commitment to the continued success of the Solent’s world-class maritime sector.
The Maritime UK Solent Awards 2023 offered a unique and impactful opportunity to showcase your business and celebrate a thriving sector – a celebration of our industry’s achievements in the Solent.

As a Diamond Sponsor, we can offer you this suite of benefits:
- Announcement as a Diamond Sponsor via a press release to the local and trade media, on Maritime UK Solent’s social media channels and in the regular Maritime UK Solent e-newsletter to over 700 network members
- Continued promotion on social media from sponsorship announcement, a guaranteed minimum of 14* posts across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- A suite of assets produced by our social media suppliers to showcase your organisation, after discussing a full brief with your team. This will result in collateral to be used in support of the Awards and for your employer brand promotions
- Prominent branding at the Awards event, on the stage and in associated material
- Sponsorship of a chosen Awards category, and an organisational representative to have a place on the judging panel, and to present the category Award to the winner
- Company logo, feature and link to your website on the dedicated Maritime UK Solent Awards web pages
- Opportunity for short welcome address at the Awards or a video introduction to be screened at Awards
- VIP table of ten at the Awards
- Quote, logo branding and picture included in the post event promotional activity of the Awards
- Access to event photography and video to promote your involvement to your audiences after the awards
- Marketing pack including email signature plate, web banner and quote from Chair of Maritime UK Solent for use on your own promotional platforms.
* The amount of social media posts, podcasts etc that will be produced are subject to the date by which confirmation of sponsorship is agreed.
As the Sponsor for the Drinks Reception that takes place as part of the Awards evening, we can offer you this suite of benefits:
- Announcement as the Drinks Reception Sponsor on Maritime UK Solent’s social media channels and in the regular Maritime UK Solent e-newsletter to over 700 network members
- Continued promotion on social media from sponsorship announcement, a guaranteed minimum of 10* posts across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- An organisational representative to be interviewed for podcasts that promote the Awards
- Company logo, feature and link to your website on the dedicated Maritime UK Solent Awards web portal
- Prominent branding at the Awards event, on the stage and in associated material
- Company name included in media and social media material associated with Award promotion
- Opportunity for a short welcome address to the Drinks Reception
- Marketing pack including email signature plate, web banner and quote from Chair of Maritime UK Solent for use on your own promotional platforms
- Quote, logo branding and picture included in the post event promotional activity of the awards
- A table of ten places at the awards evening
- Access to event photography and video to promote your involvement to your audiences after the Awards
* The amount of social media posts, podcasts etc that will be produced are subject to the date by which confirmation of sponsorship is agreed.
An important part of the Awards evening sits around the Awards brochure in which sponsors, finalists and judges are highlighted, along with the running order. We are seeking a sponsor for this publication, who will receive the following benefits
- Continued promotion on social media from sponsorship announcement, a guaranteed minimum of 4* posts across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- Company logo, feature and link to your website on the dedicated Maritime UK Solent Awards web portal
- Prominent branding on the Awards brochure
- Company name included in media and social media material associated with Award promotion
- Marketing pack including email signature plate, web banner and quote from Chair of Maritime UK Solent for use on your own promotional platforms
- Two places at the Awards evening on 5 October
- Access to event photography and video to promote your involvement to your audiences after the Judges’ Drinks Reception and Awards events
* The amount of social media posts, podcasts etc that will be produced are subject to the date by which confirmation of sponsorship is agreed.
There are 13 categories to choose from this year (click on ‘View the categories’ tab) The benefits of sponsoring one of the categories include:
- Announcement as a Category Sponsor on Maritime UK Solent’s social media channels, in related press releases, and in the regular Maritime UK Solent e-newsletter to over 700 network members
- Continued promotion on social media from sponsorship announcement, a guaranteed minimum of 6* posts across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- An organisational representative to present the category award to the winner
- Company logo, feature and link to your website on the dedicated Maritime UK Solent Awards web portal
- Marketing pack including email signature plate and quote from Chair of Maritime UK Solent for use in your own promotional activity
- Quote, logo branding and picture included in the post event promotional activity of the awards
- Prominent branding at the Awards event, on the stage and in associated material
- A table of ten places at the awards event
- Access to event photography and video to promote your involvement to your audiences after the Awards
- An opportunity for sponsors to be introduced to all award applicants for the relevant category via email
* The amount of social media posts, podcasts etc that will be produced are subject to the date by which confirmation of sponsorship is agreed.

Make a musical contribution to the Award events
Are you part of a choir, marching band or other that might create an exciting opener or mid-show piece of entertainment?
You could take part and benefit by:
- Announcement as a sponsor on Maritime UK Solent’s social media channels and in the regular Maritime UK Solent e-newsletter to over 700 network members
- Company logo, feature and link to your website on the dedicated Maritime UK Solent Awards web pages
- Company name included in media and social media material associated with award promotion, a guaranteed minimum of 3 posts
- Access to event photography and video to promote your involvement to your audiences after the awards / associated events
- Two places at the awards evening
What we need from you
To be a sponsor of the Maritime UK Solent Awards, we need the following:
- 300 words about your organisation
- 50-word quote from spokesperson on why you are a sponsor
- Company logo (highest res available)
- Company website url
- Social media handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Names of guests attending awards evening
- Spokesperson availability for video during end-July/ end-August (to be shown at Awards event)
- A commitment to promote the Awards as much as possible!
Contact us at MUKsolent@solentlep.org.uk