Maritime UK Solent (MUK Solent) are asking women working in the sector in STEM – science, technology, engineering and maths-related jobs to help them inspire young women to pursue similar careers.

MUK Solent is seeking women STEM ambassadors to take part in the Maritime Roadshow for Girls, organised in partnership with Maritime UK, on Tuesday 5 March.

Speed networking sessions are one of four interactive activities happening at the event at Cowes Enterprise College on the Isle of Wight, where women working in STEM-related jobs can encourage female pupils aged between 11 and 14 to consider future job opportunities in the world of science, technology, engineering and maths.

Anne-Marie Mountifield, Chair of Maritime UK Solent, said: “We’re keen to gather female professionals from local maritime industries to join us at the Roadshow. They will be part of the process of inspiring girls, early in their secondary education, to consider some of the exciting STEM-related careers in the sector. To help these girls understand some of the opportunities on their doorstep, volunteers who live or work on the Isle of Wight would be very much appreciated.

“By sharing your own work experiences, you can open doors for their future success.”

She added: “We want to take further steps to increase the number of girls pursuing careers in STEM or in maritime. It’s vital that we engage with secondary school girls to show them the range and value of STEM careers and how important they are to a thriving maritime sector. The event is running as part of National Careers Week, and we aim to encourage the equal participation and leadership of girls in STEM.

“Tackling the current gender gap will not only help address the skills gap in the STEM workforce, but also support the Solent’s economic growth and job creation. 

“The Solent region has a wealth of innovative tech industries and STEM careers available, and encounters like this event are key for girls considering their way forward. You can really make a difference to young people’s lives, so please get in touch.” 

National Careers Week runs from 4 to 9 March and provides careers guidance and resources to students to help them develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. 

It follows the publication of the Rose Review 2023, which outlined new initiatives and called for even more support for female entrepreneurship in the UK. The report revealed that twice as many female-led businesses (150,000) were founded in 2022 than in 2018, with almost a quarter established by female entrepreneurs aged between 16 and 25.  

Rachel Kitley, Principal of Cowes Enterprise College, and winner of the Maritime Legacy Award at last year’s MUK Solent Awards, is proud to be bringing the Maritime Roadshow to local students.  

She said: “We are dedicated to our maritime heritage in Cowes, and we offer a curriculum that gives young people the opportunity to learn skills relevant to the industry, working closely with local employers and exploring future careers. 

“We are pleased to welcome the Maritime Roadshow to the College to shine a spotlight on the STEM job options available to students. It’s so important that we give girls, in particular, an insight into STEM-based careers to allow them to have the confidence and interest to make important decisions about their future work in STEM industries.” 

If you would like to sign up as a STEM Ambassador or find out more, email our team.

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